Wapta Falls

 ¿Qué ver en Wapta falls, Parque nacional yoho?

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Wapta Falls is a stunning waterfall located in Yoho National Park in Canada. The entrance fee for the park is CAD 10 per person per day or CAD 20 for a group or family. The official website for Yoho National Park is https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/bc/yoho, where you can find more information about the park and its attractions.

To get to Wapta Falls, visitors can take the Wapta Falls Trail, which is a 4.2 km round-trip hike that takes about 1.5 hours to complete. The trail is open from May to October, weather permitting. There is also a parking lot near the trailhead.

In addition to Wapta Falls, there are several other attractions in the area worth visiting. Emerald Lake is a beautiful lake with stunning turquoise waters that is open year-round. The Lake O'Hara area is another popular destination with hiking trails, lakes, and stunning views. The Spiral Tunnels viewpoint is also worth a visit, as it offers a unique view of the railway tracks that wind their way through the mountains.

Overall, Yoho National Park is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Canada, with its stunning natural beauty and abundance of outdoor activities.

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(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Wapta falls)